Frustrated with your Aging Man in your Aging Relationship?
Never fear!
The Sassy Primer is here!
With a hearty dose of piss and vinegar, Care and Feeding of the Aging Human Male Species offers sage advice and laugh-out-loud stories about surviving your Aging Human Partnership.
As we women grow older, there are so many cranky geezers, so little time—what to do? This Sassy Primer helps you shake your booty, unwrinkle your bellbottoms, honor your BFFs, laugh til you pee while keeping your Poise, release your Inner Sass and embrace your Better Badass.
Here are over 350 pages of the wacky, heartfelt truths Grandma never told you!
The Field Guy-ed womansplains how to survive your man’s quirks and burps, and answers the question: Does everything with an Aging Human Male begin and end with sex?
The Roadmap offers travel tips for oiling your relationship, fighting fair when the wheels fall off your car, and continuing to love your vintage jalopy.
The Dame Digest supports your bra-very as you nurture your feelings and passions, while balancing your life—all on arthritic knees!
The Party Playbook is a mega-bonus of games and gab guides for schmoozing with your gal pals. Ladies, “Start your engines!” as you shift into high gear on Route 66+!!!
GOOD FUN AT ANY PRICE! Paperback $15.95
Kindle $12.95 (free on Kindle Unlimited)